San – An idea / connection that is formed in the heart
Kalpa – The action or rule I will follow above all other rules

A SANKALPA, is your heartfelt resolution.

These may be intentions for healing, gratitude, love, health or enlightenment. When setting a Sankalpa make it specific, focus on the result. A Sankalpa goes beyond your typical New Years resolution, which usually fail after the first month or week. It’s about getting to the core of the heart and listening to your true inner self. You may start with a basic intention such as ” I want to lose weight” but what the heart really means is ” I love and nourish my body” with this intention you will start to lose the the urge to over eat, and start to make wise nutritional choices which will lead to weight loss. Your sankalpa becomes a statement to remind you of your true nature and help guide you onto your chosen path.

Deepak Chopra says it beautifully when explaining the meaning of sankalpa, its like the seed of intelligence, once planted, through space, time, nurturing, love and care that seed will grow to manifest and fulfil it’s deepest desires.

“Sankalpa is the subtlest level of intention at the cusp of choiceless awareness and thought. It is like the seed structure of intelligence around which time, space, and matter consolidate into a manifested event. The fundamental mechanics of intention manifesting into reality is based on the principle that intent in the field of pure potentiality organizes its own fulfilment through the synchronicity of space, time, energy, information, and matter.”

Plant your seeds with words and images to create your sankalpa in your diary.

Below are a few examples:

• Heartfelt Intention: “My life is filled with stability and abuandance .”
 Action: By using my talents and abilities I am able to provide for myself and my family through my job and work needs. I will spend money wisely and pay my bills on time and effortlesly.

• Heartfelt Intention: “I love and nourish my body.”
 Action: Through daily yoga and meditation practice I strengthen my body physically and mentally. I will practice self control with sugar and undernourished foods and fill my body with healthy fresh nurturing foods.

• Heartfelt Intention: “Compassion and happiness is my true nature.”
 Action: With compassion in my heart I will listen more and help those around me. I will spend more time with family and friends that make me feel happy and positive.

My Sankalpa Vision Page
Below is my Sankalpa Vision page as an example of what I have done in my diary. You can find many images on the internet to cut and paste on your page. Write words and paste them with your images so they pop out as they will keep reminding you of your sankalpa journey. To guide your process I have attached a few FREE PRINTABLE pages below, so you can cut and paste on your Sankalpa Vision Page. 




SANKALPA WORDS SHEET – Here are a few words you can use on your sankalpa vision page, some of these words are on my vision page. But you can add your own unique words to match your sankalpa.

SANKALPA IMAGES – A few images to get you started, use these to add to your own images, make it personal and connecting to you and your life intention. As you can see I used the heart image to write my heartfelt intention next to it and the star to write the action I will take. But you can do what ever feels right for you.

SANKALPA VISION PAGE – If you feel you need more space simply print out the vision page as many times as you like to expand on your collage.

These are just a few samples to get you started, fill up your Sakalpa Vision Page with intentions and desires that you would like to fulfil for 2017, so lets get started and get creative with your sankalpa Vision Page TODAY!!

Share on instagram @ #my2017sankalpa

Lets start 2017 with
Yoga, Meditation Love and Happiness